LEGO Education DUPLO My XL World
      LEGO Education DUPLO My XL World
      LEGO Education DUPLO My XL World
      LEGO Education DUPLO My XL World
      LEGO Education DUPLO My XL World
      LEGO Education DUPLO My XL World
      LEGO Education DUPLO My XL World
      LEGO Education DUPLO My XL World
      LEGO Education DUPLO My XL World
      LEGO Education DUPLO My XL World
      LEGO Education DUPLO My XL World

      LEGO Education DUPLO My XL World

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      375.90 €
      Tax Included
      Last items in stock
      Real-World Role-Play Working in groups of 2-10, children use the colorful collection of 480 LEGO® DUPLO® bricks, figures, wheel bases, windows, doors and a building plate to build their home, a restaurant, bus stop, hospital and a fire station. They’ll also discover an airplane, car and even a submarine, and will use their imagination to build fantasy animals and make up fun stories of their own. My XL World also combines with the 45029 Animals and 45030 People accessory sets in the Early Learning system for even more playful learning fun for children. Full Teacher Support My XL World includes everything that teachers need to deliver inspiring lessons, including a Getting Started card with 5 activity ideas and 10 double-sided building cards. .We even offer a full-day professional dev
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      • Delivery: Delivery: 1-3 business days
      • Return policy: Return policy: Right to return goods within 14 days
      Töötades väikestes rühmades, saavad lapsed kasutada värvilisi LEGO DUPLO klotse, figuure, rattabaasi, aknaid, uksi ja ehitusplaate, et ehitada oma kodu, restoran, bussipeatus, haigla ja tuletõrjehoone. Samuti avastavad nad lennuki, auto ja isegi allveelaeva ning kasutavad oma kujutlusvõimet fantaasialoomade loomiseks ja omaenda lõbusate lugude koostamiseks. Minu XL maailm sisaldab kõike, mida õpetajad vajavad inspireerivate tegevuste läbiviimiseks, sh 5 ideekaarti ja 10 kahepoolset ehituskaarti. LEGO Education alushariduse kontseptsioon loob vundamendi laste õppimisele ja kirele elukestva arengu vastu, stimuleerides nende loomuomast uudishimu uurida üheskoos ja õppida läbi mängu. Minu XL maailm komplekti saab kasutada koos teiste LEGO Education toodetega, et arendada laste sotsiaalseid, emotsionaalseid ja keelelisi oskusi, aga ka iseseisvat ja vaba mänguoskust ning esimesi oskusi loodusteadustest. Komplektiga sobivad hästi kokku näiteks LEGO Education Loomad (45029L) ja Inimesed (45030L). Komplektis on 480 detaili.
      3 Items

      Data sheet

      Not Suitable for Children Under 3 years
      Age From
      Age To
      Length (cm)
      Width (cm)
      Height (cm)
      Weight (kg)
      Country of Origin

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      LEGO Education DUPLO My XL World
      LEGO Education DUPLO My XL World

      LEGO Education DUPLO My XL World

      375.90 €
      Tax Included