"The Robot Gripper from Makeblock is an add-on for your mBot or mBot Ranger for getting a grip on bigger objects than the mini-gripper can. The gripper is made from lightweight PVC and powered by an N20 screw motor which is protected by a thermal overload fuse.
Supplied as a fully assembled unit.
The Me Dual DC Motor Driver adaptor is required to connect the gripper to the main board of the mBots."
Delivery: 1-3 business days
Return policy: Right to return goods within 14 days
Makeblocki Robot Gripper on teie mBoti või mBot Rangeri lisandmoodul, mis võimaldab haarata suuremaid esemeid kui minihaarats. Haarats on valmistatud kergest PVC-st ja toiteallikaks on N20 kruvimootor, mis on kaitstud termiline ülekoormuskaitse.
Tarnitakse täielikult kokkupanduna.
Me Dual DC Motor Driver adapter on vajalik haaratsi ühendamiseks mBotide põhiplaadiga.
"The Robot Gripper from Makeblock is an add-on for your mBot or mBot Ranger for getting a grip on bigger objects than the mini-gripper can. The gripper is made from lightweight PVC and powered by an N20 screw motor which is protected by a thermal overload fuse.
Supplied as a fully assembled unit.
The Me Dual DC Motor Driver adaptor is required to connect the gripper to the main board of the mBots."